This section is about the services provided to children and families aimed at keeping you safe and supporting you. It looks at your rights as a child in care, adoption and what you can do if you’re homeless.
- I’m in foster care and Children’s Services want to move me to another house. I like my foster carers and don’t want to leave what can I do?
You should speak to your allocated social worker or Independent Reviewing Officer and explain why you do not want to move. You may want to get an advocate to help speak to Children’s Services on your behalf. It may be possible to stop the move from taking place while decisions are made. Any decision that is made must be in your best interests. For more information see our page on Advocacy.
- I am under a care order but I want to move back with my mum and dad – how do I do this?
You should speak to your allocated social worker or Independent Reviewing Officer and explain your wishes and feelings. You may want to get an advocate to help speak to Children’s Services on your behalf. If Children’s Services do not agree you may be able to go to court but should speak to a Community Care solicitor first.
- My parent hurts me and I’ve left home as I cannot put up with it anymore, what can I do?
You should to speak to an adult that you trust and let Children’s Services know about what has been happening to you. If you are at risk Children’s Services have to take action to protect you and keep you somewhere safe. If you want to speak to someone anonymously you can contact Childline on 0800 1111. You can also contact the police in an emergency.
- I haven’t seen my dad for ages after I was put in foster care – how can I see him?
Children’s Services must, by law, allow you reasonable contact with your parents. You should talk to your social worker and explain your wishes and feelings. You may want to get an advocate to help speak to Children’s Services on your behalf. For more information see our page on Contact with family members whilst I'm in care.
- I look after my mum as her main carer, I’m only 13 and I’m struggling to do this as well as go to school what support can I get?
If you are under 18 and you regularly provide emotional and/or practical care for a family member, you can get support from Children’s Services. For example, you can be given financial support or breaks from your caring responsibilities. You or your family should ask Children’s Services to do an assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989. For more information see our page on Young Carers.
- I am a child in need, what does this mean?
You may be a child in need if you have a disability or you need extra help for your development or health needs and Children’s Services agree that you need support. Children’s Services will make a “child in need” plan which will set out the support you will get, for example, advice, guidance and counselling, money, education or changes to your home. For more information see our page on Support available for children in need.
- I’m subject to a child protection plan what does this mean?
If Children’s Services believe you are at risk of harm then they can put you on a child protection plan which sets out what your parents and carers must do to keep you safe. You may need to meet regularly with a social worker to check that you are safe.