This part is all about being safe online. It deals with online pornography, how to clear your browser history, keeping your passwords safe, and how to deal with cyber bullying.
- I am 13 and I've been sent a dirty pic from my friend. What should I do?
It is against the law to have a sexual image of someone under 18. You can report the image to be deleted by contacting the Internet Watch Foundation.
If you are receiving unwanted messages you should speak to an adult that you trust about this. If you want to speak to someone anonymously you can contact Childline on 0800 1111. For more information, see Sexting.
- I am under the age of 18. Will I get into trouble sending a topless picture of myself to my boyfriend?
There can be risks involved in sharing sexual pictures of yourself or anyone else. It is against the law to share a sexual image of yourself with your boyfriend. If this is reported to the police they may record it as a crime but they can decide not to take the matter any further if it is not in the public interest. You and your boyfriend may want to talk to someone about the risks. If you want to speak to someone anonymously you can contact Childline on 0800 1111.
- I am 15 and a guy I’ve been speaking to online wants to meet up. Should I do this?
Speaking online can be a good way to meet new people, but there are also risks involved as it is difficult to be sure who you are talking to. It is against the law for an adult to make friends with you online and meet with you or plan to meet with you for sexual reasons.
If you are worried about what might happen, you should speak to an adult that you trust about this. If you want to speak to someone anonymously you can contact Childline on 0800 1111. For more information see our pages on Online safety and Online grooming.