This section is about your sexual, physical and mental health. It looks at the age of consent to sex, sexting as well as information on legal highs and medical treatment.
- My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years, he is really controlling over me and at the weekend he punched me. I’m really scared and I don’t want to leave him but what can I do?
It is against the law for your boyfriend to hurt you in any way. It may also be a crime if he isolates you from your friends and family. You should speak to an adult that you trust about this as soon as possible. If you want to speak to someone anonymously you can contact Childline on 0800 1111. In an emergency you should always contact the police.
- I was stopped by the police who said they wanted to search me for drugs, I had a small amount of cannabis on me. Can they do this?
The police can stop and search you if they have reasonable grounds to believe that you have illegal drugs such as cannabis. The police officer must tell you their name and station, why they are searching you and what they are looking for. They must tell you that they are legally allowed to search you and that you can have a record of the search. For more information, see Police powers.
- I’m 15 and I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a long time. We want to have sex and I want to go on the pill. Will the GP tell my mum if I request this?
You can go and see your doctor or nurse for advice on sexual health and contraception at any age. A doctor can give you contraception without telling your parents as long as they think that you understand the possible risks. The doctor will only tell your parents or guardian if they believe you to be at risk of harm. For example, if they think that you are at risk of sexual abuse. However, they must talk to you first to let you know that they are going to be telling someone else.